Monday 1 July 2013
12:30:00 pm 0


NRLM Mission

"To reduce poverty by enabling the poor households to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots institutions of the poor."

NRLM Guiding Principles

·        Poor have a strong desire to come out of poverty, and they have innate capabilities
·        Social mobilization and building strong institutions of the poor is critical for unleashing the innate capabilities of the poor.
·        An external dedicated and sensitive support structure is required to induce the social mobilization, institution building and empowerment process.
·        Facilitating knowledge dissemination, skill building, access to credit, access to marketing, and access to other livelihoods services underpins this upward mobility.

NRLM Values

The core values which guide all the activities under NRLM are as follows:
·        Inclusion of the poorest, and meaningful role to the poorest in all the processes
·        Transparency and accountability of all processes and institutions
·        Ownership and key role of the poor and their institutions in all stages – planning, implementation, and, monitoring
·        Community self-reliance and self-dependence

Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) will be actively involved in the following  activities of the Mission:

(i) identification and mobilization of BPL households into SHGs, with priority being given to the SC and ST households especially primitive tribal groups, poorest of the poor households, women headed households and households engaged in declining occupations
(ii) facilitating federation of SHGs at the village/gram panchay at level/ block level and providing basic facilities for the effective functioning of such federations in terms of providing accommodation for federation office and such other basic facilities
(iii) giving priority to the demands of the SHGs and their federations in the annual plans/activities of the PRIs by making suitable financial allocations
(iv) entrusting execution of panchayat activities including civil works to SHGs and their federations on a priority basis
 (v) leasing out panchayat resources such as fishing ponds/tanks, common property resources, market yards, buildings and other properties to the SHGs and their federations for proper management and maintenance
(vi)entrusting responsibility for collection of panchayat revenues including house property tax to the SHGs for a small fee
(vii)entrusting management and maintenance of select civic amenities to the SHGs.
(viii) any other activity which could be taken up by the members of the SHGs or their federations.


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