Saturday 29 June 2013
1:37:00 pm 0


Major Recommendations of Expert Committee on GAAR Accepted
The Central Government has carefully considered the report of the Expert Committee on General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) and accepted the major recommendations of the Expert Committee with some modifications. This was announced by the Union Finance Minstar Shri P.Chidambaram here today in a press conference. The Finance Minister said that the following decisions have been taken by Government in this regard:
(i)           An arrangement, the main purpose of which is to obtain a tax benefit, would be considered as an impermissible avoidance arrangement.  The current provision prescribing that it should be “the main purpose or one of the main purposes” will be amended accordingly.

(ii)          The assessing officer will be required to issue a show cause notice,containing reasons, to theassessee before invoking the provisions of Chapter X-A.

(iii)        The assessee shall have an opportunity to prove that the arrangement is not an impermissible avoidance arrangement.

(iv)      The two separate definitions in the current provisions, namely, ‘associated person’ and ‘connected person’ will be combined and there will be only one inclusive provision defining a ‘connected person’.

(v)         The Approving Panel shall consist of a Chairperson who is or has been a Judge of a High Court; one Member of the Indian Revenue Service not below the rank of Chief Commissioner of Income-tax; and one Member who shall be an academic or scholar having special knowledge of matters such as direct taxes, business accounts and international trade practices.  The current provision that the Approving Panel shall consist of not less than three members being Income-tax authorities or officers of the Indian Legal Service will be substituted.

(vi)  The Approving Panel may have regard to the period or time for which the arrangement had existed; the fact of payment of taxes by the assessee; and the fact that an exit route was provided by the arrangement. Such factors may be relevant but not sufficient to determine whether the arrangement is an impermissible avoidance arrangement.

(vii)  The directions issued by the Approving Panel shall be binding on the assessee as well as the Income-tax authorities.  The current provision that it shall be binding only on the Income-tax authorities will be modified accordingly. 

(viii)     While determining whether an arrangement is an impermissible avoidance arrangement, it will be ensured that the same income is not taxed twice in the hands of the same tax payer in the same year or in different assessment years.

(ix)   Investments made before August 30, 2010, the date of introduction of the Direct Taxes Code, Bill, 2010, will be grandfathered.

(x)         GAAR will not apply to such FIIs that choose not to take any benefit under an agreement under section 90 or section 90A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. GAAR will also not apply to non-resident investors in FIIs.

(xi)        A monetary threshold of Rs. 3 crore of tax benefit in the arrangement will be provided in order to attract the provisions of GAAR.   

(xii)       Where a part of the arrangement is an impermissible avoidance arrangement, GAAR will be restricted to the tax consequence of that part which is impermissible and not to the whole arrangement.

(xiii)     Where GAAR and SAAR are both in force, only one of them will apply to a given case, and guidelines will be made regarding the applicability of one or the other.

(xiv)     Statutory forms will be prescribed for the different authorities to exercise their powers under section 144BA.

(xv)      Time limits will be provided for action by the various authorities under GAAR. 

(xvi)     Section 245N(a)(iv) that provides for an advance ruling by the Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR) whether an arrangement is an impermissible avoidance arrangement will be retained and the administration of the AAR will be strengthened.

(xvii)    The tax auditor will be required to report any tax avoidance arrangement.



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