Monday 24 June 2013
7:28:00 pm 1

The World Customs Organization (WCO)

The World Customs Organization (WCO), established in 1952 as the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC) is an independent intergovernmental body whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations.
Today, the WCO represents 179 Customs administrations across the globe that collectively process approximately 98% of world trade. As the global centre of Customs expertise, the WCO is the only international organization with competence in Customs matters and can rightly call itself the voice of the international Customs community.
The WCO’s governing body – the Council – relies on the competence and skills of a Secretariat and a range of technical and advisory committees to accomplish its mission. The Secretariat, comprising over 100 international officials, technical experts and support staff of some nationalities.
As a forum for dialogue and exchange of experiences between national Customs delegates, the WCO offers its Members a range of Conventions and other international instruments, as well as technical assistance and training services provided either directly by the Secretariat, or with its participation. The Secretariat also actively supports its Members in their endeavours to modernize and build capacity within their national Customs administrations.
Besides the vital role played by the WCO in stimulating the growth of legitimate international trade, its efforts to combat fraudulent activities are also recognized internationally. The partnership approach championed by the WCO is one of the keys to building bridges between Customs administrations and their partners. By promoting the emergence of an honest, transparent and predictable Customs environment, the WCO directly contributes to the economic and social well-being of its Members.
Finally, in an international environment characterized by instability and the ever-present threat of terrorist activity, the WCO’s mission to enhance the protection of society and the national territory, and to secure and facilitate international trade, takes on its full meaning.

WCO Goals

Goal 1 - International Co-operation and Information Sharing
The WCO provides a forum for international co-operation to promote greater connectivity and more harmonious interaction, including the exchange of information and experience and the identification of best practices, between Member administrations, international organizations and other relevant stakeholders.
Goal 2 - Harmonization and Simplification of Customs Systems and Procedures
The WCO develops, maintains and promotes a series of internationally agreed conventions, other instruments and best-practice approaches to achieve harmonization and simplification of Customs systems and procedures.
Goal 3 - Compliance and Enforcement
The WCO supports Members through activities in the areas of commercial fraud, drug trafficking, money laundering, IPR and other related offences, through the development of compliance and enforcement tools and intelligence sharing via the Customs Enforcement Network (CEN) for the protection of society in the areas of public health and safety, environmental crimes, and containment of possible pandemics.
Goal 4 - Trade Facilitation
The WCO promotes the Revised Kyoto Convention to assist Members on trade facilitation matters. The WCO will continue to work with other international organizations, including the World Trade Organization to support its Trade Facilitation Negotiating Group with advice and consultations to foster better understanding of WCO trade facilitation instruments and tools.
Goal 5 - Supply Chain Security and Facilitation
The WCO enhances Customs-to-Customs networks and Customs-to-Business partnerships in a meaningful and mutually beneficial way, through continued dialogue with its Members and its Business partners to secure and facilitate the international trade supply chain, including co-ordinated Border Management in co-operation with other border agencies.
Goal 6 - Capacity Building
The WCO provides a range of capacity building, training and technical assistance and integrity programmes to increase the capacity of Member Customs administrations to contribute effectively to national development goals, in partnership with international organizations and the private sector.
Goal 7 - Promotion and Marketing
The WCO promotes the strategic interests and markets the role and contribution of the WCO and the wider international Customs community, through co-operation, communication and partnership with governments, other international and regional organizations, donor agencies and the private sector.
Goal 8 - Research and Analysis
The WCO conducts research and analysis into new visions, issues and trends of strategic importance to the WCO and Member administrations, in co-operation with research institutions.
Goal 9 - Good Governance and Use of Resources
The WCO manages and administers its human and financial resources in a cost-effective, transparent and responsible manner, based on a long-term vision for Customs administrations and the WCO and an awareness of the international environment and drivers.


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